Getting to Know the Dance School

Great that you are interested in Kluver. We appreciate a moment to get to know you personally. You can visit us every Saturday during the Practice Evening or during a trial class.

Trial Classes

Trial classes happen at the start of a new Beginner Course
You can find the upcoming trial classses on this page.

Visiting a Practice Evening

The whole year round there is a Practice Evening every Saturday between 21:00 and 23:30h. On this evening you can dance with other dancers of the dance school or with your own partner. You can also enjoy a drink at our bar and marvel at the other dancers. There are always dancers present who love to help you out with a few basic steps, so you can also try your first dance without any ballroom dancing experience.

Visiting a Practice Evening the first time is free. You can visit us by filling out the form below, or by reaching out directly via email or phone.

    Langskomen op een oefenavond

    Via dit formulier kunt u laten weten dat u graag wilt langskomen op een oefenavond op zaterdag vanaf 21:00 - 23:30 uur.

    Ter kennismaking bent u van harte welkom om een keer gratis langs te komen. Normaliter kost de oefenavond €7 per keer.


    Tel: +31 (0)20 679 00 71

    Adres: De Lairessestraat 157
    1075 HK Amsterdam

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    Dansschool Kluver